Tag cloud accounting

birds eye view of a sunkissed town in italy 1


SME can now register and validate their SME status at This is very important to SMEs in order to obtain grant such as Special Grant for Micro Company of RM3,000. Common questions 1. What is our Malaysia SME definition?…

Powering On Through Trying Times Wordpress Cover

Powering On Through Trying Times

The whole world is under the cloud of COVID-19, more so Malaysia with the sudden spike in infection cases. With the government declaring a movement control order on 16 March 2020, countless SMEs are likely to be caught off guard due to their lack of resources and facilities to continue functioning under these circumstances.

Preparing SMEs For IR4.0

CIMB Foundation organised an educational programme today to help SMEs align their businesses towards the digital era, especially the 4th Industrial Revolution (IR4.0). Many are simply not ready to deal with the impact IR4.0 will have on the business landscape,…