What is Internal Audit Services to business owner?
An Internal Audit is an examination process that monitors and analyses the activities related to a company to provide objective assurance and consulting services aimed to add value and enhance the company’s operation.
It identify existing threats and analyses how it affects your company. It can also help business owner anticipate risk that poses threat to company’s operation and growth.
Business owner can then formulate effective strategies with all these information to prevent risks and improve business performance and operations.
How can our Internal Audit services help business owner?
Our Internal Audit (IA) team can provide assistance anywhere on the internal audit service areas. We can provide you with full outsourcing of internal audit functions or simply help out where needed or for a particular task or project. We can serve clients by offering full outsourcing, co sourcing, and temporary staffing needs.
Our internal audit methodology is designed to provide assurance on the internal control of an organization bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
Each engagement includes the planning, walk through, alternative testing and reporting to audit committee or management.
What kind of Internal Audit Services we provide?
Regardless of the model, we commit to making our methodology and technology available to ensure the very best service. We have experienced assisting clients within the following environments: