Tag COVID-19

Post MCO Series 4 – First Step Towards Digitalisation
Every business is longing to operate the business like how it used to be before the outbreak of COVID-19. Governments around the world have been planning to recover from the severe economic crisis by allowing specific businesses to start to…

The Connection Issue May – Aug 2020: Covid-19 Business Recovery Strategy Guide
Many companies are on the brink of downsizing or, worst, collapsing. Small and medium enterprises (SME) which makes up close to 98% of businesses and is the most important cog in Malaysia’s economic engine, are hit the hardest especially those that lack technology and resources.

Economic Sector Allowed to Operate During RMCO
On 7th June 2020, our Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has announced the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) from 10th June – 31st August 2020. Under this phase of RMCO, all economic sectors can start to operate except for…

PENJANA – Program Subsidi Upah (PSU)
Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan PENJANA (Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara) pada 5 Jun 2020 dan Program Subsidi Upah / Upah Subsidi akan dilanjutkan selama tiga bulan lagi dengan subsidi RM600 setiap pekerja bagi semua majikan yang layak.

PENJANA – Program Subsidi Upah (PSU)/ Wage Subsidy Program (WSP)
Additional Economic Stimulus Package – PENJANA Program Subsidi Upah (PSU)/ Wage Subsidy Program (WSP) Below are the significant updates for the WSP/ PSU which announced on 5th June 2020: 1. When WSP start effective and when is the last application?…

启迪公开课06 | 后疫情时代,马来西亚中小企业何去何从
