Tag australia

CPA Australia

Cheng & Co At CPA Australia Careers 2017

For students and graduates looking to build a solid and successful career accountancy, CPA Australia Careers is a must-visit event. They will get the opportunity to explore and discuss career opportunities with some of the biggest names in the industry,…

Prof. Dato’ Dr Chua Hock Hoo

Professional Entrepreneurs’ Dream – Part 2

How did you eventually rise from an employee to a partner? – Jess Liew, Cheng & Co Perth, Australia When Mr Chew offered to sell 50% of the firm’s shares to me – with the other 50% to Paul –…

Prof. Dato' Dr. Chua Hock Hoo - Cheng & Co

Professional Entrepreneurs’ Dream – Part 1

Tell us about how you came around to become Dr Paul Cheng’s partner to start-up Cheng & Co? – Jess Liew, Cheng & Co Perth, Australia My ambition as a youngster was to become an accountant and audit practitioner, and…

Jess Liew Attains Tax License In Australia

Jess Liew Attains Tax License In Australia

Cheng & Co would like to congratulate Jess Liew for officially becoming a licensed tax agent in Australia. Jess is the Tax Manager at our Australian office, Chengco Taxation Pty Ltd. This is by no means an easy feat taking…