Employment Pass
Employment Pass refers to the working permit that a foreigner receives from the Malaysia government. Applying a working visa for foreigners is a necessary process for employers who wish to employ foreign nationals.
Apply employment pass under Immigration Department Malaysia
Company ESD Registration
Application for Employment Pass
There are three (3) types of employment pass:
The differences of Malaysia Employment Pass Category I, II and III
*Require to submit valid WRT approval letter, if applicable
Minimum requirements to meet for all three (3) categories
Minimum requirements for shareholders
Exemption From Minimum Salary of RM 5,000 For Category III Application
Unregulated Sector i.e.: business services, oil & gas, and etc.
Please take note that this pre-checklist is not serve as a full checklist as different industry will require further documentation.
Duration of Process at Immigration upon completed documents
Step 1. Company to register an account with Immigration with LoU ~ 1 to 3 months
Step 2. Quota Projection ~ 1 month
Step 3. Employment Pass (Work Permit Application) ~ 1 month