Category Grants and Incentives

Micro Enterprises Facility (MEF)
1. What is the objective of the grant? To improve the accessibility of financing for Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in all economic sectors, particularly under-served SMEs. Additionally, to support growth and increase access of collateral-free financing for micro…

PENJANA – Special Tax Incentive
The main objective of this particular tax incentive is to attract investors to relocate their businesses into Malaysia by addressing the risk of reshoring. 1. Type of Incentive a. For New Company 10 years of 0% special tax rate…

KitaPrihatin – Program Subsidi Upah (Wage Subsidy Program) 2.0
On 25th September 2020, Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) has published the FAQs on SOCSO official website and the significant highlights as below: 1. When the Program Subsidi Upah (PSU) 2.0 start effective and deadline for application? The application of…

Kita Prihatin Economic Recovery Package
The Government has unveiled the Kita Prihatin Economic Recovery Package worth RM10 billion to help people weather the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and bolster the country’s economy. The Kita Prihatin Economic Stimulus Package is including Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (Prihatin…