Appoint Your Company Secretary in Malaysia

3 Steps to Get Your Company Secretary

We Provide Seasoned, Knowledgeable Company Secretary

Cheng & Co_3 Steps to Get Your Company Secretary

Our Process: An Overview

The steps can be listed down roughly into the following:

  1. Preliminary Interview
  2. Quotation Preparation
  3. Application Preparation

Step 1: Meet and Speak with Us

That’s right. It starts with your first call to us. You’ll meet with us, and tell us everything about what you have in mind. You’ll also provide us with all details and documents pertinent to the application.

Step 2: Sign and Return Our Quotation

After Step 1, we’ll review your request, and issue you a quotation, listing our price. If you agree, you’re to sign and return the quotation to us.

Step 3: Name Your Company Secretary

Upon agreeing with our quotation, we’ll set out to complete the naming of your company secretary, whether the post is vacant or not. For the latter, the process will include facilitating the resignation of the incumbent company secretary through notification of your decision, and also the retrieval of your statutory documents.

How is pricing determined for this service?

Essentially, the total fees chargeable, subject to SST, is dependent on the amount of the secretarial service fees (for engaging our company secretary as your own), individual service fees (for individual actions, applications, or submissions), and statutory fees (payable to regulatory bodies upon submissions).

For the actual figures, they’re determined per case. Therefore, we advise you to speak with our representative to get a precise quotation for the services that actually need from us.

Cheng & Co_Company Secretary Services in Malaysia Pricing

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Please select a topic above related to your inquiry. If you don't find what you need, choose Others and leave us a message。请选择以上您想咨询的项目,若以下未涵盖您需要的事项,可选择“其他”及给我们留言说明。
Please select the nature of your business. If you don't find what you need, choose "None Above" and comment in Others Business Nature。请选择以下您想符合您的行业性质,若以下未涵盖您需要的事项,可选择“以上皆非”及填写在其他业务性质。
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Frequently Asked Questions

How would we name your company secretary when we already have one?

If you already have a named company secretary, and you wish to engage us instead, your current company secretary must resign first.

This process can be roughly described as follows:

1. we conduct engagement and preparation for changes documents;
2. we notify both you and the current company secretary of outstanding matters that both parties must settle before the latter’s departure;
3. once all outstanding matters are settled, we obtain your current company secretary’s resignation letter;
4. submit all relevant documents to SSM in order reflect the changes; and
5. we collect all statutory books and documents from your current company secretary.

Is it legally mandatory to have a named company secretary?

Certainly, it is required under Companies Act 2016. Upon incorporation and also anytime your company secretary resigns, you are to appoint another in 30 days. Failure to abide this contravenes the Act, and will lead to penalties.