Indeed, it was a momentous occasion for Cheng & Co. Group. On 6 and 7 January 2023, we held our iSGV2025 Sustainable Growth Programme in CIMA Office and Leadership Centre respectively.
Day One
After breakfast and registration, we began with opening remarks by our CEO, Mr. Tom Wong, during which he imparted his take on sustainable growth, and also words of encouragement.

Following the opening remarks, we had our first presentation by Ms Ginny Lim (Senior Regional Manager, CIMA) about integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) requirements in strategy and finance.

We then had our esteemed Executive Chairman, Dato’ Dr. Chua Hock Hoo, delivering a very insightful and lively presentation on “The Pricing Strategy – A Guide Towards Sustainable Practice”.

Following Dr. Chua’s presentation was a brief sharing session with former BNM governor, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Muhammad Bin Ibrahim on the Economic Outlook of Malaysia in 2023, with a Q&A session, during which numerous participants eagerly put forth their questions about Malaysia’s economic outlook. Our guest generously provided every question put forth with an insightful reply.

We couldn’t let our VIP go without a token of gratitude for his contribution to our programme. For that, Dato’ Dr. Chua presented Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Muhammad with a gift of a special Chinese tea set.

We broke for lunch, and returned to learn from Mr. Tan Wae Leng, Managing Partner of ChengCo Plt, in his presentation on leadership titled, “Why should anyone be led by you?”
Then we came to the crux of the day, the group discussion. Participants, divided into teams representing their respective business units (e.g., our Tax and Global Business Services teams), and each team discussed how best to apply knowledge on sustainable growth, gathered from the day’s presentations, on their business processes. The goal was to prepare themselves to present their findings to a panel of judges on Day Two.

Day 2
The day began with breakfast, and a inspirational presentation by Mr Lam Kwai Soon (Director, CCIB) on “Paradigm Shift towards CC Mission 2025”. Several attendees volunteered to share their experience with effective problem-solving in their line of work.

We then proceeded with group presentation by business unit team on applying sustainable growth strategies, learnt on Day One, on their business units. Each team presented, and their presentation is assessed by a panel of judges.

It was fun for presenters and audience alike. The champion of the group presentation was our tax team, under Ms. Jack Wong (Senior Tax Manager, Cheng & Co. Group). The first runner up was our GBS team, under Mr. Tai Ming Ming (Head of Global Business Service, Cheng & Co. Group).

The day ended by mid-afternoon at 3pm. It was joyous two-day programme, one that binds everyone together in the spirit of having fun and fostering teamwork.