Cheng & Co Bangsar South Office Opening Ceremony

Date : 1st June 2016 (Wednesday)
Venue : No. 16-03A, Tower B, Vertical Business Suite II, Avenue 3, Bangsar South City, No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur.
Time : 10:00 am
Program Flow:
9:30 am   : Arrival of Guests
10:00 am : Welcome speech by Prof. Dato ‘ Dr. Chua Hock Hoo, Managing Partner of Cheng & Co
10:10 am  : Speech by Mr. Michael Warren, Vice President of Global Business Services MDeC
10:15 am  :Introduction of Pro-B Centre Sdn Bhd by Mr. Alex Kang, Director of Pro-B Centre Sdn Bhd
10:35 am : Opening Ceremony – Ribbon cutting (by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Chua HH, Cheng & Co Partners, Mr.Michael Warren & MIA representative)
10:50 am  : Light Refreshment
11:00 am  : Member Firm Sharing

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